Ansible Installation on Linux

Ansible is an open-source automation platform. It is simple to install. The Ansible software only needs to be installed on the controller node. Hosts/clients that are managed by Ansible do not need to have Ansible installed.

Prerequisite for Controller Node

  1. The controller node should be a Linux or UNIX operating system. Microsoft Windows is not supported, although Windows systems can be managed hosts. 2) Python 2 (version 2.6 or later) 3) Network connectivity from controller node to managed hosts. By default, SSH protocol is used, but other protocols might be required if Microsoft Windows or network devices are being managed. 4) python2-winrm RPM package with version 0.2.2 or later installed if Microsoft Windows systems are to be managed.

Prerequisite for Managed Hosts

For Linux and UNIX managed hosts: python 2 (version 2.4 or later) needed to be installed.

Microsoft Windows-based Managed Hosts: PowerShell 3.0 or higher should be installed. Should have PowerShell remoting configured.

Installation On Linux

Operating System Used in Below Example: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

Steps to Install Ansible on Controller Node

Step 1: Check if python is installed:

[root@ansible-host ~]# rpm -q python


[root@ansible-host ~]# yum list installed python
Installed Packages
python.x86_64                         2.7.5-34.el7                                @anaconda

Step 2: Install Ansible Package:

[root@ansible-host ~]# yum install ansible -y