Beginners Guide to Writing Shell Scripts in Linux

Shell Scripts

Shell scripts are text files that automate a series of UNIX environment-based commands that otherwise must be performed one at a time. Shell scripts are often used to automate command sequences that repeat, such as services that start or stop on system start-up or shut down. Any command that can be performed from the command line, such as ls, can be included in a shell script. Similarly, any command that can be included in a shell script can be performed on the UNIX environment command line.

Users with little or no programming experience can create and run shell scripts. You initiate the sequence of commands in the shell script by simply entering the name of the shell script on a command line.

Determining the Type of Shell to Run a Shell Script

There are several different shells available in the Solaris OS. Two of the most commonly used shells are the Bourne shell and the Korn shell. To ensure that the correct shell is used to run a shell script, the first line of the script should always begin with the characters #!, followed immediately by the absolute pathname of the shell required to run the script. These must be the only characters on the first line of the file.

# !/full-pathname-of-shell

For example:





Comments are text entries that often provide information about a shell script. They are inserted into a shell script but have no effect on the script itself. Comments are ignored by the shell and are solely for the benefit of the user. Comments are preceded by the hash (#) character. Whenever the shell encounters a word beginning with the # character it ignores all text on that line.

For example:

# this is a comment
ls -l # list the files in a directory

Running Shell Scripts

The shell interprets shell scripts line by line. Shell scripts are not compiled into binary form. Because shell scripts have to be read line by line when they are run, the user must have read permissions to be able to run a shell script. For example, to grant read permissions to the mycmd user type:

$ chmod u+rx mycmd

When a shell script is running, any applied changes occur in the sub-shell or child process. A sub-shell cannot change the values of a variable in the parent shell, or its working directory.

$ cat myvars
echo running myvars
$ ls -l myvars
-rw-r--r--   1 user1   other         65 Sep 15 16:14 myvars
$ chmod u+x myvars
$ ls -l myvars
-rwxr--r--   1 user1   other         65 Sep 15 16:14 myvars
$ mywars
running myvars

After running the script, the FMHOME and MYBIN variables are not available because the script is run in a sub-shell.

$ echo $FMHOME

One of the most frequently used shell scripts is a user’s initialization file (~/.profile). This script is specifically designed to set the working environment of the user in the current shell. If you made changes to your .profile you need to implement these changes in the current shell without logging out and logging back in. The dot (.) command performs the commands in the specified script in the current shell as if the commands were entered on the command line.

$ . myvars running myvars
$ echo $FMHOME

Passing Values to a Shell Script

Shell scripts become more useful when you pass values to them while you run them. When you run a shell script and pass values to it on the command line, the shell stores the first word after the script name in the variable $1, the second in the variable $2, and so on. These special variables are called positional parameters, and they are very useful to verify that the user passed the correct number of values when the script was run.

For example:

$ cat greetings
echo $1 $2 #echo the first two parameters passed

Add execute permissions to greetings:

$ chmod u+x greetings

Run greetings while passing the hello and world values:

$ greetings hello world
hello world

The shift Command

In the Bourne and Korn shells you can pass as many values as necessary on the command line. However, the Bourne shell accepts only a single number after the $ sign. An attempt to access the value in the tenth argument by using the notation $10 results in the value of $1 followed by a zero (0). The shift command enables you to shift your positional parameter values back by one position. For example, the value of the $2 parameter becomes assigned to the $1 parameter. Similarly, the value of the $3 parameter becomes assigned to the $2 parameter, and so on.

Checking the Exit Status

All commands in the UNIX environment return an exit status. This numeric value is used to indicate the success or failure of a command. A value of zero indicates success. A non-zero value indicates failure. This non-zero value can be any integer in the range of 1–255. The program developer can use the exit status values to indicate different error situations. The exit status of the last command performed in the foreground is held in the $? special shell variable, and can be tested by using the echo command.

For example:

$ grep other /etc/group
$ echo $?
$ grep others /etc/group
$ echo $?

Using the test Command

The test command is used for testing conditions. This command is very useful in shell scripts. The test command can be used to verify many conditions, including:

  • Variable contents
  • File access permissions
  • File types

The test command can be written as test expression or by using the[expression] special notation. The test command does not return any output. If the condition being tested is true, the exit status of the test command is set to 0. If the condition being tested is false, the exit status is set to 1.

Examples of the test command include the following:

1. Test if the value of the LOGNAME variable is user1.

$ echo $LOGNAME
$ test "$LOGNAME" = "user1"
$ echo $?

2. Test if the value of the LOGNAME variable is user1 by using the [ expression ] notation.

$ echo $LOGNAME
$ [ "$LOGNAME" = "user1" ]
$ echo $?

3. Test if the user has read permissions on the /etc/group file.

$ ls -l /etc/group
-rw-r--r--   1 root sys  290 Sep 13 15:14 /etc/group
$ test -r /etc/group
$ echo $?

4. Test if the user has read permissions on the /etc/group file by using the [ expression ] notation.

$ ls -l /etc/group
-rw-r--r--   1 root sys  290 Sep 13 15:14 /etc/group
$ [ -r /etc/group ]
$ echo $?

5. Determine if /etc is a directory.

$ ls -ld /etc
drwxr-xr-x  53 root     sys         3584 Sep 18 11:48 /etc
$ test -d /etc
$ echo $?

6. Determine if /etc is a directory using the [expression] notation.

$ [ -d /etc ]
$ echo $?

7. Compare the result against a known file.

$ test -d /etc/group
$ echo $?

8. Compare against a known file using the [expression] notation.

$ [ -d /etc/group ]
$ echo $?

Executing Conditional Commands

The shell provides two special constructs that enable you to perform a command based on whether a proceeding command succeeds or fails. The && construct ensures that a command is performed only if the preceding command succeeds.

For example:

$ mkdir $HOME/newdir && cd $HOME/newdir

The || construct ensures that a command is performed only if the preceding command fails. For example:

$ mkdir /usr/tmp/newdir || mkdir $HOME/newdir

Using the if Command

The if command evaluates the exit status of a command and initiates additional actions based on the returned value. The if command syntax is as follows:

$ if command1
> then
> execute command2
> else
> execute command3
> fi

If the exit status is zero, any commands that follow the then statement are performed. If the exit status is non-zero, any commands that follow the else statement are performed. The if command is always closed with the fi statement. The if command is often used in conjunction with the test command. Examples of the if command include display a greetings message:

$ id
uid=101(frame) gid=1(other)
$ if test "$LOGNAME" = root
> then echo Hello System Administrator
> else
> echo Hello "$LOGNAME"
> fi
Hello frame
$ if [ "$LOGNAME" = "root" ]
> then echo hello System Administrator
> else
> echo hello "$LOGNAME"
> fi
hello frame

Confirm that the user has read permissions for the /etc/group file.

$ if test -r /etc/group
> then
> echo "You have read permission on /etc/group"
> else
> echo "Sorry unable to read /etc/group file"
> fi
You have read permission on for the /etc/group file
$ if [ -r /etc/group ]
> then
> echo "You have read permission on /etc/group"
> else
> echo "Sorry unable to read /etc/group file"
> fi
You have read permission on for the /etc/group file

Determine if a file is a directory:

$ ls -ld /etc
drwxr-xr-x  53 root     sys         3584 Sep 18 11:48 /etc
$ if test -d /etc
> then
> echo /etc is a directory
> else
> echo /etc is not a directory
> fi
/etc is a directory
$ if [ -d /etc ]
> then
> echo /etc is a directory
> else
> echo /etc is not a directory
> fi
/etc is a directory
$ if test -d /etc/group
> then
> echo /etc is a directory
> else
> echo /etc is not a directory
> fi
/etc is not a directory

Using the while Command

The while command enables you to repeat a command or group of commands. The while command syntax is as follows:

$ while
> do
> command2
> done

In this example, the while command evaluates the exit status of the command1 command that follows it. If the value is zero, any commands that follow the do statement are performed, command1 is run again, and the exit status checked again. If the exit status of command1 is non-zero, the loop terminates. For example, use the set command to assign values to the positional parameters as follows:

$ set this is a while loop
$ echo $*
this is a while loop
$ while [ $# -gt 0 ]
> do
> echo  $1
> shift
> done

Using the case Command

The case command compares a single value against other values, and performs a command or group of commands when a match is found. The case command syntax is as follows:

$ case value in
 > pat1)command
 > command
 > ...
 > command
 > ;;
 > pat2)command
 > command
 > ...
 > command
 > ;;
 > ...
 > patn)command
 > command
 > ...
 > command
 > ;;
 > esac

When a match is found and the respective commands are performed, no other patterns are checked. For example:


$ case "$1" in
> ’start’)
> if [ -f /etc/vold.conf -a -f /usr/sbin/vold -a \
> "${_INIT_ZONENAME:=‘/sbin/zonename‘}" = "global" ]; then
> echo ’volume management starting.’
> /usr/sbin/vold >/dev/msglog 2>&1 &
> fi
> ;;
> ’stop’)
> /usr/bin/pkill -x -u 0 vold
> ;;
> *)
> echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"
> exit 1
> ;;
> esac
exit 0