How to Display Command History in Linux
Displaying the Command History
The shell keeps a history of recently entered commands. This history mechanism enables you to view, repeat, or modify previously executed commands.
Using the history Command
The history command displays previously-executed commands. By default, the history command displays the last 16 commands to the standard output. The syntax for the history command is:
$ history option
To display previously executed commands, perform the following command:
$ history
87 date
88 cd /etc
89 touch dat1 dat2
90 ps -ef
91 history
The history command is an alias built into the Korn shell that enables you to display previously-executed commands.
The numbers on the left are command numbers. You can use the command numbers to instruct the shell to re-execute a particular command line. To display the command history without line numbers, perform the following command:
$ history -n
cd /etc
touch dat1 dat2
ps -ef
To display the current command and the four commands preceding it, perform the following command:
$ history -4
107 date
108 cd /etc
109 touch dat1 dat2
110 ps -ef
111 history
To display the history list in reverse order, perform the following command:
$ history -r
111 history
110 ps -ef
109 touch dat1 dat2
108 cd /etc
107 date
To display the most recent cd command to the most recent date command, perform the following command:
$ history cd ls
31 cd
32 man lp
33 date
... (output truncated)
Using the r Command (in ksh shell)
The r command is an alias built into the Korn shell that enables you to repeat a command. To repeat the cal command by using the r command, perform the following command:
$ cal
December 2004
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
$ r
December 2004
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
To re-execute a command by line number, use the r command followed by the respective line number. For example:
$ history
155 history
156 cat dante
157 history
158 date
159 cal
160 ls
161 cd
$ r 160
( output omitted )
You can also use the r command to re-execute a command beginning with a particular character, or string of characters. To rerun the most recent occurrence of a command that begins with the letter “c,” perform the following command:
$ r c
$ cd /etc
To rerun the most recent occurrence of the ps command, perform the following command:
$ r ps
ps -ef
You can use the r command to repeat a previous command, perform a simple edit, and perform the modified command. For example, to repeat the most recent occurrence of a command beginning with the letter “c,” replace dir1 with dir2, and perform the modified command as follows:
$ history
100 cd
101 cat dante
102 ls
103 cd ~/dir1
104 history
$ r c
cd ~/dir1
$ r dir1=dir2
cd ~/dir2
Editing and Rerunning Previously Executed Commands
You can edit previously-executed commands and rerun these commands using a shell in-line editor. Use the vi editor to turn on and enable the shell history editing feature with one of the following commands:
$ set -o vi
$ export EDITOR=/bin/vi
$ export VISUAL=/bin/vi
You can access command in the history buffer, edit the command with the vi editor, and execute the modified command by following these steps:
1. Verify that the built-in vi editor is enabled.
$ set -o | grep -w vi
vi on
2. Type the history command to view the command history list.
$ history
3. Press Escape to access the command history list. Use the following keyboard keys to move the cursor through the command history.
- k – Moves the cursor up one line at a time
- j – Moves the cursor down one line at a time
- l – Moves the cursor to the right
- h – Moves the cursor to the left
4. Use the vi commands to edit any previously executed command.
5. To perform a modified command, press Return.
File Name Completion
To invoke file name completion, type the ls command followed by one or more characters of a file name, and then press the following keys in sequential order: Escape (Esc) and backslash (\).
If the shell finds a file name beginning with the specified characters, it prints the complete file name or file names to the command line. For example, to expand a file name beginning with the characters de in the /usr directory:
$ cd /usr
$ ls de Press Esc and \
The shell completes the remainder of the file name, displaying:
$ ls demo/
You can request the shell to present all the possible alternatives of a partial file name from which you could then select. This action is invoked by pressing the following keys sequentially: Escape (Esc) and the equal (=) key.
To request that the shell present all file names beginning with the letter “g” in the/etc directory, type:
$ cd /etc
$ cat g Press Esc, press the = key1) gconf/
2) getty
3) gimp/
4) gnome-vfs-2.0/
5) gnome-vfs-mime-magic
6) gnopernicus-1.0/
7) group
8) grpck
9) gss/
10) gtk-2.0/
11) gtk/
$ cat g
The cursor is positioned on top of the letter “g” at this point.