"ORA-00911: invalid character" - error while dropping or renaming tablespace due to junk chracters
The Problem
Not able to drop or rename a tablespace which is having junk characters in the name. For example:
SQL> alter tablespace ?[tablespace_name] rename to [tablespace_rename];
alter tablespace ?[tablespace_name] rename to [tablespace_rename]
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00911: invalid character
SQL> alter tablespace '?[tablespace_name]' rename to [tablespace_rename];
alter tablespace '?[tablespace_name]' rename to [tablespace_rename]
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02140: invalid tablespace name
SQL> alter tablespace "?[tablespace_name]" rename to [tablespace_rename];
alter tablespace "?[tablespace_name]" rename to [tablespace_rename]
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00959: tablespace '?[tablespace_name]' does not exist
The Solution
The error is usually due to junk characters in the alter tablespace command. Use the UTF8 character set:
Now the tablespace name is visible and you can issue the rename command.
SQL> alter tablespace "�[tablespace_rename]" rename to [tablespace_rename];