Oracle Database OPatch And OUI logs location
Question: How to find the log files for OPatch and OUI ( Oracle Universal Installer)?
OPatch (Common for Windows and Unix)
OPatch version - (Oracle RDBMS -9.2.0.X.X and 10.1.0.X.X )
In the list below, locate the command you executed. The location of the log is listed after the command.
$ opatch lsinventory -detail
$ opatch lsinventory -all
$ opatch apply
[ORACLE_HOME]/.patch_storage/[ID of patch]/Apply_[ID of patch]_[timestamp].log
$ opatch rollback -id [ID of patch]
[ORACLE_HOME]/.patch_storage/[ID of patch]/RollBack__[ID of patch]_[timestamp].log
OPatch version - 10.2.0.X.X and
Every OPatch command that is executed is recorded in the file [ORACLE_HOME]/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt.
Date & Time : Mon Mar 24 15:41:00 EST 2008
Oracle Home : /u03/app/oracle/product/
OPatch Ver. :
Current Dir : /cpu/10203/apr/6864068
Command : napply -skip_subset -skip_duplicate
Log File : /u03/app/oracle/product/
Date & Time : Mon Mar 24 16:08:42 EST 2008
Oracle Home : /u03/app/oracle/product/
OPatch Ver. :
Current Dir : /cpu/10203/apr/6864068
Command : nrollback -id 6121183,6121242,6121243,6121244,6121245,6121246,6121249,6121250
Log File : /u03/app/oracle/product/
Date & Time : Mon Mar 24 16:14:13 EST 2008
Oracle Home : /u03/app/oracle/product/
OPatch Ver. :
Current Dir : /cpu/10203/apr/6864068
Command : lsinventory
Log File : /u03/app/oracle/product/
This data should be used to locate the correct Log File. The file is appended, so the current information is located at the end of the file. It is also recommended that if a log file is uploaded to Oracle, this file is also uploaded.
In the list below, locate the command you executed. The location of the log is listed after the command.
$ opatch lsinventory -detail
$ opatch lsinventory -all
$ opatch apply
$ opatch rollback -id [ID of patch]
OPatch version (x>=7) and
11GR1: From version of OPatch the location of .log for the apply and rollback operations are no more the same as with previous versions of OPatch (this change does not apply to lsinventory and n-apply operations):
instead of:
it is now:
$ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/opatch/[ID of patch]_[timestamp]/[action][timestamp].log
[action] being “apply” or “rollback” With last version of OPatch ( - location of .log for apply, lsinventory, n-apply operations remain the same as for 10.2.0.x i.e.
- location of .log for rollback operations is the same as for last 11GR1 versions ( (x>=7)) i.e:
$ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/opatch/[ID of patch]_[timestamp]/rollback[timestamp].log
This rule won’t apply for new composite PSU as “opatch apply” is in fact generating a N-Apply statement for composite patches, so for new composite patches the location of OPatch .log will remain the same i.e.
with OPatch the .log for PSU will show:
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : [ORACLE_HOME]/cfgtoollogs/opatch/13696224_Apr_04_2012_18_52_54/apply2012-04-04_18-52-54PM_1.log
with OPatch the .log for PSU will show:
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : [ORACLE_HOME]/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2012-12-28_16-10-54PM_1.log
([ORACLE_HOME] being value for $ORACLE_HOME)
Location of .log for apply, lsinventory, n-apply operations is:
Location of .log for rollback operations is:
$ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/opatch/[ID of patch]_[timestamp]/rollback[timestamp].log
This rule won’t apply for new composite PSU as “opatch apply” is in fact generating a N-Apply statement for composite patches, so for new composite patches the location of OPatch .log is:
Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
9.2.0.X.X, 10.1.0.X.X, 10.2.0.X.X and 11.2.0.X.X
The logs are found in [central_inventory]/logs directory. From 10gr2 version, the logs are also found in [ORACLE_HOME]/cfgtoollogs/oui.
In Windows the location of the central inventory can be found from the value of the pointer orainst_loc that can be found from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ key in the registry. By default the central inventory exists in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory.
In Unix the location of central inventory (oraInventory) can be found from the oraInst.loc file, which exists in the /var/opt/oracle or /etc/ (By default).
The logs will be as below:
9.2.0.X.X, 10.1.0.X.X, 10.2.0.X.X, 11.1.0.X.X , 11.2.0.X.X and 12.1.0.X.X:
[Central_Inventory]/logs/silentInstall[timestamp].log (only for Silent installations)
10.2.0.X.X to 12.1.0.X.X only:
[ORACLE_HOME]/cfgtoollogs/oui/silentInstall[timestamp].log (only for Silent installations)
The logs for Cloning can be found in under central inventory and Oracle Home as below :
Logfiles in Central Inventory:
[Central_Inventory]/logs/cloneActions timestamp.log
Contains a detailed log of the actions that occur during the OUI part of the cloning.
[Central_Inventory]/logs/oraInstall timestamp.err
Contains information about errors that occur when OUI is running.
[Central_Inventory]/logs/oraInstall timestamp.out
Contains other miscellaneous messages generated by OUI.
Logfiles in $ORACLE_HOME:
$ORACLE_HOME/clone/logs/clone timestamp.log
Contains a detailed log of the actions that occur during the pre-cloning and cloning operations.
$ORACLE_HOME/clone/logs/error timestamp.log
Contains information about errors that occur during the pre-cloning and cloning operations.