Why Source and Target Are Not of the Same Size While Using Rsync
Question: While using rsync the source and the target are not of the same size. What could be the reason?
Question: While using rsync the source and the target are not of the same size. What could be the reason?
Viewing File and Directory Permissions All files and directories in the Linux OS have a standard set of access …
Every new file or directory has a set of default permissions assigned to it at the time of creation. The user mask …
Question: The filesystem is almost full. There is a big difference between “df” and “du” …
Displaying the Command History The shell keeps a history of recently entered commands. This history mechanism enables …
Using Command Redirection You can redirect input to and output from commands by using redirection. There are two …
In this post, we are going to discuss three special types of permissions that can be set for executable files and public …
Printing Files You can use the lp command, the lpstat command and the cancel command to submit print requests to a …
Copying Files and Directories You can copy a file or a directory from one place to another using the cp command.
Files (and directories) might be located on several different file systems. You can use symbolic links to link files that …
You can create new files and directories within the directory hierarchy using the touch and mkdir commands. The touch …